艺术家数字资产管理 访问量:1648894




    香港狮语画廊《境象主义——桑火尧作品展. 香港》(中国 香港)
    潍坊美术馆《境象主义一一桑火尧潍坊个展》(中国 潍坊)
    人可艺术中心《境象主义-桑火尧杭州个展》(中国 杭州)
    中国美术馆《混沌一桑火尧境象主义作品展》(中国 北京)
    弘川现代艺术博物馆《诗意的相遇一一桑火尧作品展巡展》(中国 青州)
    潍坊博物馆《诗意的相遇一一桑火尧作品展》(中国 潍坊)
    寿光市美术馆《桑火尧水墨精品大展》(中国 寿光)
    北京复言社画廊主办《心界一一桑火尧作品1/2展》(中国 北京)
    温州年代美术馆主办《桑火尧与史蒂芬对话展》(中国 温州)
    人可艺术中心主办《桑火尧与罗斯科:色度在呼吸》(中国 杭州)
    北京复言社画廊主办《时间的棱一桑火尧个展》(中国 北京)
    上海玉衡画廊主办《境象一一桑火尧展1/2展》(中国 上海)
    恒庐美术馆主办《云端一一桑火尧作品展》(中国 杭州)
    上海华氏画廊主办《桃花江一一上桑火尧境象水墨作品展)(中国 上海)
    人可艺术中心主办《在湖上一一桑火尧2014境象新作展》(中国 杭州)
    广东美术馆主办《境象主义一一桑火尧作品展》(中国 广州)
    上海美术馆主办《境象一一桑火尧作品展》(中国 上海)
    今日美术馆主办《境遇游一一桑火尧个展》(中国 北京)
    台北索卡艺术中心主办《境象·桑火尧个展)(中国 台北)
    義之堂/索卡艺术中心联办《半日闲情一一桑火尧境象个展》(中国 台北)
    中国国家博物馆《培根铸魂——70年70人美术作品展》(中国 北京)
    第二届武汉水墨双年展《墨与物》(中国 武汉)
    索卡艺术中心《面纱——中国虚色绘画展》(中国 北京)
    中国美术馆《中国艺术研究院作品联展》(中国 北京)
    人可艺术中心主办《人可十年回顾展》(中国 杭州)
    异同&共生——“16+1”中国·中东欧当代艺术展(保加利亚 索菲亚)
    新写意主义作品展(中国 西安)
    贵点艺术空间《新现代水墨艺术宣言展》(中国 北京)
    中国美术馆《第四届中国画院双年展》(中国 北京)
    潍坊博物馆《开启与攀越——中国现代水墨研究展》(中国 潍坊)
    人可艺术中心主办《开放的天空》(中国 杭州)
    北京雅达文化艺术中心主办《江左风华-乌镇当代艺术展》(中国 乌镇)
    深圳e当代艺术馆主办《天外天——国际当代艺术展》(中国 深圳)
    海南三亚当代艺术馆主办《国际当代艺术展》(中国 海南)
    3812画廊主办《心境3-当代艺术联展》(中国 香港)
    东京画廊主办《第四届新朦昽主义群展》(中国 北京)
    中国美术馆《2015-2016中国艺术研究院艺术创作大展》(中国 北京)
    今日美术馆主办《2015-2016中国当代水墨年鉴展》(中国 北京)
    上海玉衡画廊主办《私信力:当代水墨群展》(中国 上海)
    北京EGG画廊《四元色一中国当代艺术四人展》(中国 北京)
    四川峨眉《第一届当代国际艺术展》(中国 峨眉山)
    方块作品在中国杭州G20峰会主会场展出 并永久收藏(中国 杭州)
    北京亚洲艺术中心《中国色》(中国 北京)
    南京国际展览中心《第二届南京国际美术展》(中国 南京)
    京 布鲁塞尔芝加哥)
    上海明圆当代美术馆《虚薄之境一一对画:山水与风景》(中国 上海)
    意大利佛罗伦萨国际当代艺术双年展《艺术与城市主题展》并获绘画类金奖(意大利 佛罗伦萨)
    南京先锋当代艺术中心《游心虚淡一新水墨邀请展》(中国 南京)
    索卡艺术中心《空寒与默化一中国当代水墨联展》(中国 台北)
    江苏美木馆(水墨新语一一新水墨联展》(中国 南京)
    索卡艺术中心《新诗意一一中国当代水墨艺术展》(中国 台北)
    三尚艺术馆《中国册页——当代水墨艺术国际巡展》(中国 美国 英国 澳大利亚 香港 澳门)
    获第七届AAC艺木中国·年度影响力一水墨类10家(中国 北京)
    今日美术馆主办亚州当代艺术群展(中国 北京)
    上海新水墨艺术大展——墨测高深展(中国 上海)
    忆江南一一中国当代艺术展(中国 上海)
    台湾美术馆亚州当代艺术展(中国 台湾)
    竹林七贤获第六届AAC艺术中国·年度影响力一一装置多媒体类10家(中国 北京)
    荷兰当代艺术馆亚州当代艺术联展(荷兰 阿姆斯特丹)
    墨·界一一当代艺术展(中国 上海)
    威尼斯双年展平行展(意大利 威尼断)
    上海海平线艺术展(中国 上海)
    中国美术家协会全国中国画作品展获唯一奖项优秀奖(中国 北京)
    中国美术家协会 中国美术学院主办第七届青年陶艺作品双年展(中国 杭州)
    索卡艺术中心《这里有光杭州当代艺术展》(中国 台北)
    中国美术家协会《全国第七届体育美术作品展》(中国 济南)
    第十届全国美展浙江展区优秀奖(中国 杭州)
    中国国家画院《融·聚全国中国画学术邀请展》(中国 北京)
    中国国家画院《水墨本味·2008当代中国画名家学术邀请展》(中国 北京)
    俄罗斯中国文化节《水墨中国艺术展》(俄罗斯 莫斯科)
    第七届中国艺术家作品展(中国 杭州)

    Sang Huoyao Biography
    Sang Huoyao is an important Chinese contemporary ink painting artist of great influence. He is a member of the Artistic Creation Steering Committee in Chinese National Academy of Arts, the vice-president of China National Academy of Painting and a National First-Level artist. He is the creator of Affective-Imagoism Art. Adding to this multi-varied background is also his experience as a researcher in the "Wu Guanzhong Research Center" in Tsinghua University. Born in 1963, his works have been collected by National Art Museum of China, Today Art Museum in Beijing, China Arts Museum in Shanghai, Zhejiang Art Museum as well as Guangdong Museum of Art. They can also be found at the venue of the G20 Hangzhou Summit and China International Import & Export Expo under long term display. Now he lives and works in Beijing.
    Today, the era is bound by technology and desire under the process of globalization. With the rapid pace, covering, refreshing and shielding have become what everyday concerns. From the perspective of Oriental philosophy, Sang Huoyao focused on the issues of existence and disappearance, rationality and sensibility, space and non-space, etc. The accumulation of ink in his works not only dispels the reality or thematic content, but also implies the shielding of the existing reality and the elimination of the material society. Through the method of overlapping and shielding, the pattern appears to be nothing in the plane, the imago in Sang Huoyao's works actually contains the reality of metaphysical speculation. The glory of the human and divine which coming from the self-witness realizes the individual consciousness in speculative free-access. That is also a kind of annotation of artistic conception of Affective-Imagoism Art.
    Sang Huoyao has been engaged in the creation of Chinese literati art for quite a long time. He is deeply familiar with the tradition of painting art in Song and Yuan Dynasty, especially Mi Fu's and Ni Zan's painting art. With the transformation of social modernization, he has been adhering to the contemporary of Chinese ink painting and the exploration of the internationalization of ink painting since 1998. Sorted out from his own creative practice, he combines the eastern philosophy and aesthetics with an artist's unique comprehension to the present. Then his continuous pursuit of metaphysical spiritual purport gradually formed a methodology of squares overlapping and his own theory of Affective-Imagoism Art, then they eventually become his own unique art language and symbols. He successively held his solo exhibitions in the National Art Museum of China, Today Art Museum, China Arts Museum and Guangdong Museum of Art.
    The symbol of those squares is inspired by the symbols of hexagrams in the Book of Changes and Chinese characters. The form of square is rational and a kind of control, while the infiltration of ink is uncertain and a kind of anti-control natural force, just like the natural taste of cracked ice pattern in some Chinese porcelain. Through continuous applying colors to paintings by a single stroke of squares, Sang Huoyao makes all of concrete objects and images in the space appear one by one. Here reason and sensibility interweave with each other to form a spiritual universe space that can be magical.
    The process of accumulating ink is also the process of time and energy accumulation. The touch of "jade" and the form of cracked ice pattern of porcelain by continual accumulating in a way of meditation show the slice of time and space of life and the chaotic universe. It also obtains the time thickness and space dimension, reopens the plane of painting, dissolves the existing existence, and conveys the emptiness, peace and tranquility.
    The barely visible sense of light in the middle of the work emerges from the cracks overlapped by squares through the special infiltration effect of Chinese ink, which forming the shock and penetrating power of "the fusion of light and Chi". Light, which originates from the conduction of cosmic particles, has the form of movement through time and space. In the consciousness of human life, light has divine power. Everything has a crack, and the light always shines where there is the most spiritual value.
    Sang Huoyao's abstract brushwork language construction based on squares which is not only different from traditional Chinese imagery art, but also separated from Western abstract art. That is the Affective-Imagoism Art he advocates for expanding contemporary expression of ink painting. His exploration has not only received academic attention, his works have been repeatedly sold in Hong Kong Sotheby's and other important international auction institutions.
    Affective-imagoism :Affective-imagoism is a kind of combination of pure brush strokes, colors and other media. In forms of simplicity and nihilism to express the artist's deep spiritual speculation in his inner world and idea through various phenomena of society and nature. It has visual characteristics such as mysterious, lofty, quiet and profound.
    During the process of technology and information development in the early 21st century, the contemporary art is re-constructed. The definition of Affective-imagoism is that it deeply penetrates into chaos and always keeps itself alive. It seems abstract but actually is natural. Its form is not like figurative art, impressionism art or imagism art, nor improvisational or non-consciousness abstract art. Originating from China, it is a kind of artistic phenomenon that emerging from the exploration of ink painting by Chinese artists. It is a brand-new artistic style and totally different school.
    Important Solo Exhibitions:
    Long Museum, < Affective-Imagoism - Sang Huoyao' works exhibition > 【Shanghai, China】
    Renke Art Gallery, 【Hangzhou, China】
    Museum of Contemporary Art MoCa Singapore, 【Singapore】
    National Art Museum of China, 【Qingzhou, China】
    Wei Fang Museum, 【Shouguang, China】
    Fuyan Commune Gallery, 【Beijing, China】
    Epoch Art Museum, 【Beijing, China】
    Alioth Art Gallery, 【Shanghai, China】
    Henglu Art Museum, 【Hangzhou, China】
    Hwa's Gallery, 【Shanghai, China】
    Renke Art Gallery, 【Hangzhou, China】
    Guangdong Museum of Art, 【Guangzhou, China】
    Shanghai Art Museum, 【Shanghai, China】
    Today Art Museum, 【Beijing, China】
    Soka Art Centre, 【Taipei, China】
    Yi's House and Soka Art Centre, 【Hangzhou, China】
异同&共生——“16+1”中国·中东欧当代艺术展(保加利亚 索菲亚);
贵点艺术空间“新现代水墨艺术宣言展”(中国 北京);
中国美术馆“第四届中国画院双年展”(中国 北京);
潍坊博物馆“开启与攀越——中国现代水墨研究展”(中国 潍坊);
Solo Exhibition:
Museum of Contemporary Art MoCa Singapore < Sang Huoyao – Jing Xiang Exihibition>;
Group Exhibitions:
Sofia, Bulgaria;
G-dot Art Space, Beijing ;
National Art Museum of China, Beijing ;
Wei Fang Museum, Wei Fang, China ;
中国美术馆“混沌——桑火尧境象主义作品展”(中国 北京);
弘川现代艺术博物馆“诗意的相遇一一桑火尧作品展巡展”(中国 青州);
潍坊博物馆“诗意的相遇一一桑火尧作品展”(中国 潍坊);
寿光市美术馆“桑火尧水墨精品大展”(中国 寿光);
北京复言社画廊主办“心界一一桑火尧作品1/2展”(中国 北京);
人可艺术中心主办“开放的天空”(中国 杭州);
北京雅达文化艺术中心主办“江左风华——乌镇当代艺术展”(中国 乌镇);
深圳e当代艺术馆主办“天外天——国际当代艺术展”(中国 深圳);
海南三亚当代艺术馆主办“国际当代艺术展”(中国 海南);
Solo Exhibition:
National Art Museum of China, Beijing ;
Hong Chuan Museum of Modern Art, Qingzhou, China ;
Wei Fang Museum, Wei Fang, China ;
Shouguang Museum, Shouguang, China ;
Fuyan Commune Gallery, Beijing ;
Group Exhibitions:
Renke Artistic Center, Hangzhou ;
Beijing-Jakarta Art and Cultural Center, Wuzhen, China ;
Shenzhen Museum Of Contemporary Art, Shenzhen, China ;
Sanya Museum of Contemporary Art, Hainan, China ;
温州年代美术馆主办“桑火尧与史蒂芬对话展”(中国 温州);
人可艺术中心主办“桑火尧与罗斯科:色度在呼吸”(中国 杭州);
北京复言社画廊主办“时间的棱——桑火尧个展”(中国 北京);
3812画廊主办“心境3——当代艺术联展”(中国 香港);
东京画廊主办“第四届新朦昽主义群展”(中国 北京);
中国美术馆“2015-2016中国艺术研究院艺术创作大展”(中国 北京);
今日美术馆主办“2015-2016中国当代水墨年鉴展”(中国 北京);
上海玉衡画廊主办“私信力:当代水墨群展”(中国 上海);
北京EGG画廊“四元色——中国当代艺术四人展”(中国 北京);
四川峨眉“第一届当代国际艺术展”(中国 峨眉山);
方块作品在“中国杭州G20峰会”主会场展出,并永久收藏(中国 杭州) ;
Solo Exhibition:
Wenchou Epoch Art Museum, Wenchou, China ;
Renke Art Gallery, Hangzhou, China ;
Fuyan Commune Gallery, Beijing ;
Group Exhibitions:
3812 Gallery, Hong Kong ;
Tokyo Art Gallery, Beijing ;
National Art Museum of China, Beijing <2015 – 2016 Chinese National Academy of Arts | The Arts Creation Exhibition>;
Today Art Museum, Beijing <2015 – 2016 Chinese Contemporary Ink Art Annual Exhibition>;
Shanghai Alioth Art Center, Shanghai ;
Beijing EGG Art Gallery, Beijing ;
Sichuan Emei, Emei, China ;
Color Block Art Works in Hangzhou G20 Summit Main Conference Hall under long term collection, Hangzhou, China;
上海玉衡画廊主办“境象一一桑火尧个展”(中国 上海);
恒庐美术馆主办“云端一一桑火尧作品展”(中国 杭州);
北京亚洲艺术中心“中国色”(中国 北京);
南京国际展览中心“第二届南京国际美术展”(中国 南京);
北京中间美术馆“水墨演义——中国当代水墨国际巡展”(北京 布鲁塞尔芝加哥);
上海明圆当代美术馆“虚薄之境一一对画:山水与风景”(中国 上海);
意大利佛罗伦萨国际当代艺术双年展“艺术与城市主题展”并获绘画类金奖(意大利 佛罗伦萨);
Solo Exhibition:
Alioth Art Gallery, Shanghai ;
Henglu Art Museum, Hangzhou ;
Group Exhibitions:
Beijing Asia Arts Center, Beijing, China ;
Nanjing International Exhibition Center, Nanjing, China ;
Beijing Inside Out Art Museum | Beijing, China; Brussels, Belgium; Chicago, America ;
Shanghai Ming Yuan Art Center, Shanghai, China ;
Italy Florence International Contemporary Biennale, Florence, Italy Recipient of Gold Award in Painting;
上海华氏画廊主办“桃花江上——一桑火尧境象水墨作品展”(中国 上海);
人可艺术中心主办“在湖上一一桑火尧2014境象新作展”(中国 杭州);
南京先锋当代艺术中心“游心虚淡——新水墨邀请展”(中国 南京);
索卡艺术中心“空寒与默化——中国当代水墨联展”(中国 台北);
江苏美木馆“水墨新语一一新水墨联展”(中国 南京);
Solo Exhibition:
Hwa's Gallery, Shanghai ;
Renke Artistic Center, Hangzhou ;
Group Exhibitions:
Avant-Garde Contemporary Art Center, Beijing ;
Soka Art Center, Taipei ;
Jiangsu Art Museum, Nanjing, China ;
广东美术馆主办“境象主义——桑火尧作品展”(中国 广州);
索卡艺术中心“新诗意一一中国当代水墨艺术展”(中国 台北);
三尚艺术馆“中国册页——当代水墨艺术国际巡展”(中国 美国 英国 澳大利亚 香港 澳门);
Solo Exhibition:
Guangdong Museum, Guangzhou, China ;
Group Exhibitions:
Soka Art Center, Taipei ;
Sanshang Art Center | China, America, United Kingdom, Australia, Hong Kong, Macao ;
上海美术馆主办“境象——桑火尧作品展”(中国 上海);
获第七届AAC艺木中国·年度影响力——水墨类10家(中国 北京);
今日美术馆主办亚州当代艺术群展(中国 北京);
上海新水墨艺术大展——墨测高深展(中国 上海);
忆江南一一中国当代艺术展(中国 上海);
台湾美术馆亚州当代艺术展(中国 台湾);
Solo Exhibition:
Shanghai Art Museum ;
Group Exhibitions:
Beijing, China;
Today Art Museum, Beijing ;
Shanghai New Ink Art Exhibition, Shanghai, China < A New Spirit in Ink>;
, Shanghai, China;
National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan ;
今日美术馆主办“境遇游——桑火尧个展”(中国 北京);
竹林七贤获第六届AAC艺术中国·年度影响力一一装置多媒体类10家(中国 北京);
荷兰当代艺术馆亚州当代艺术联展(荷兰 阿母斯特丹);
墨・界一一当代艺术展(中国 上海);
威尼斯双年展平行展(意大利 威尼断);
上海海平线艺术展(中国 上海);
Solo Exhibition:
Today Art Museum, Beijing ;
Group Exhibitions:
Seven Sages in Bamboo Forest, Beijing ;
Holland Contemporary Art Museum, Holland, Amsterdam ;
Shanghai, China;
Venice, Italy;
Sealine Art Exhibition, Shanghai, China;
台北索卡艺术中心主办“境象——桑火尧个展”(中国 台北);
中国美术家协会“全国中国画作品展”获唯一奖项优秀奖(中国 北京);
中国美术家协会“中国美术学院主办第七届青年陶艺作品双年展”(中国 杭州);
索卡艺术中心“这里有光——杭州当代艺术展”(中国 台北);
Solo Exhibition:
Beijing Soka Art Centre ;
Group Exhibitions:
China Artist Association | Recipient of Top Excellence Prize at China National Wide Art Exhibition, Beijing;
China Artist Association ;
Soka Art Center, Taipei ;
義之堂/索卡艺术中心联办“半日闲情一一桑火尧境象个展”(中国 台北);
中国美术家协会“全国第七届体育美术作品展”(中国 济南);
“第十届全国美展”浙江展区优秀奖(中国 杭州);
Solo Exhibition:
Yizhi Hall / Soka Art Centre
Group Exhibitions:
China Artist Association ;
Recipient of Tenth National Zhejiang Excellence Award, Jinan, China;
中国国家画院“融·聚——全国中国画学术邀请展”(中国 北京);
中国国家画院“水墨本味——2008当代中国画名家学术邀请展”(中国 北京);
Group Exhibitions:
China Academy of Art, Beijing ;
China Academy of Art, Beijing;
俄罗斯中国文化节“水墨中国艺术展”(俄罗斯 莫斯科);
Group Exhibitions:
Russian-China Cultural Festival, Moscow, Russia ;
第七届中国艺术家作品展(中国 杭州);
Group Exhibitions:
Seventh Chinese Artist's Works Exhibition, Hangzhou, China;
  • 2010年 中国美术家协会全国中国画作品展获唯一奖项优秀奖;
  • 2009年 第十届全国美展浙江展区优秀奖(中国 浙江);
